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Mortal Kombat Deception Information

    Original Release

    • The North American version of Mortal Kombat Deception was originally released on October 4, 2004 for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 consoles. It wasn't until March 1, 2005 that a version was released for the Nintendo GameCube.


    • Mortal Kombat Deception picks up right where the previous installment, Deadly Alliance, left off. Deception features a revived Onaga the Dragon King attempting to take over the Mortal Kombat realms.


    • Out of the 26 total characters featured in Mortal Kombat Deception, nine of them are brand new. This includes Ashrah, Darrius, Hotaru, Dairou, Havik, Kira and Kobra, Onaga the Dragon King and Shujinko. The GameCube version of Deception features two additional playable characters, Goro and Shao Kahn.

    Mini Games

    • There is more to Mortal Kombat Deception than just fighting. Konquest mode is an RPG style game set in the Mortal Kombat universe, and Puzzle Kombat and Chess Kombat both help to break up the monotony of fighting.

    Public Reception

    • Like its predecessors, Mortal Kombat Deception was a huge hit once it was released. By selling over one million units in the first week, Deception quickly became Midway's quickest selling title of all-time.

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