Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Seeking Out Your Core Values

I'm reading a book by a well known author that was released back in the early 90's.
The book covers various topics such as time management, goal-setting, mission statements and other topics.
It speaks about how the traditional way of goal-setting and creating mission statements are often from a materialistic view-point and often times don't have the depth needed to overcome those challenges that will arise.
The author approaches goal-setting and mission statements from four universal principles that if their all in tune with one another our daily agendas and long-term goals will have more meaning and depth.
These four endowments are; mental, physical, spiritual and social and if all these are part of our daily or weekly agenda our core values are aligned with, as the authors calls it, "truth north principles.
" These "true north principles" are the core of every being on earth and quality of life is found when these four endowments are part of our daily "make-up session" We won't find ourselves in a situation where everyday we're applying these endowments but once we acknowledge them as part of our makeup and we begin to set goals that are in harmony with these endowments then we will begin to discover our true core values.
Isn't this the purpose of goal-setting and creating mission statements? Don't we set out to achieve something of worth while value and celebrate the victory once we accomplish it? So then why do so many goals go un-accomplished? Why does the strive for a new car and a bigger house often end in unexpected feelings of emptiness? It's because we haven't discovered those core values that truly are key to quality of life.
It's because our goals are often self-centered and materialistic when they should be self-giving and principle-based.

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