How Do I Run Microsoft Defender on Windows 2000?
- 1). Download and install the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit using the first link in the "Resources" section of this article. Alternatively, use the second link (TechniPages) to download Orca by itself. Launch Orca after it is installed.
- 2). Click "File" in Orca, then click "Open." Browse to the location of the Windows Defender MSI file on your computer and double click it. If you have not downloaded Windows Defender already, the Windows Defender website is listed as a "References" link for this article.
- 3). Locate the entry called "LaunchCondition" under the "Tables" column on the left side of the window. Click it. Under the "Condition" column, you will find an entry titled "VersionNT > 500." Right click it, and click "Cut Row(s)." Click "OK."
- 4). Click "File," then click "Save." Close Orca. You will now need to install GDI+ if it is not installed already. GDI+ is the programming interface that powers the graphics of Windows Defender, and it is not installed in Windows 2000 by default. If you have already installed GDI+, skip to Step 6.
- 5). Download and install GDI+ using the third link in "Resources." When extracted, this package will include a folder with three files: "," "gdiplus.dll" and "" Copy these files to C:\Windows\System32.
- 6). Launch the Windows Defender installation package. Windows Defender will now install and run successfully on your Windows 2000 computer.