Girl Scout Paper Plate Ideas
- Provide each scout with a paper plate. Have the scouts pick construction paper in the color of their choice and cut it into petal-shaped pieces. Scouts must paste the petals around the paper plate. Tell them to write their troop number in the middle of the paper plate. Each scout takes turns signing a petal on each other's plates. Attach yarn to the back of the friendship plates to hang the creations on the wall or from the ceiling.
- Supply each scout with a paper plate. The scouts can use crayons and markers to draw a picnic lunch on their plate. To create ants, scouts can use black or purple construction paper to cut out the shape of an ant's body. Have each scout push three paper fasteners through the paper ant and spread the fastener ends to create the ant's legs. Small magnets can be used under the paper plate to attach the ant's legs so it can move around the picnic.
- Purchase gray plastic plates, wiggle eyes and craft glue from an art supply store. Each scout is provided with two paper plates. Have scouts glue two wiggle eyes on the back of one of the plates and cut two ears from the second plate to glue on the back of the first plate. When dry, scouts can use black markers to draw a kitten's nose, mouth, whiskers and stripes under the wiggle eyes. Once complete, scouts can use their creations as wall decorations.
- Have each scout cut a paper plate into the shape of a large butterfly. Each butterfly is put up to the scout's face and with a pencil, mark on the butterfly where the scout's eyes are. Cut out holes where the marks are for the scout to be able to see out of. The scout can be supplied with glitter, paint and markers to decorate her mask. Scouts can glue ice-pop sticks to the back of their masks to be used to hold onto to put the masks up to their faces.