What Is the Correct Way to Hold Crystal Stemware?
- The most common and proper way to hold crystal glassware is by the stem, close to the bowl of the glass where wine or other beverages go. Holding a glass of white wine by the bowl is not suggested because your body temperature may alter the wine's flavor and change the chilled temperature. Red wine, since it is not chilled, is acceptable to hold, allowing you to handle the crystal stemware either by the bowl or stem.
- There are various styles of crystal stemware, depending on the type of drink and course. A white wine glass often accompanies the appetizer, such as a salad, or may be used during dinner with a fish meal. Use the stem to drink from the glass to avoid warming the delicate wine. The largest glass at the table setting is usually the water goblet and may be held any way you choose.
For meat dishes, a red wine glass is used and often found to the left of the wine glass used for white wine. For poultry dishes, the host may provide a second choice of white wine, and the glass will be located to the left of the original white wine glass. Red wine crystal stemware may be held either by the stem or bowl, depending on your preference.
For dessert, the stemware located closest to you is the champagne flute. Hold the flute at the stem to keep the champagne chilled. - If you are in charge of setting the table for an occasion, place the wine glasses at each chair by the stem, and avoid touching the bowl or rims. This will keep glasses clear and smudge-free for a formal presentation.