Kinds of Traps for Groundhogs
- A live trap, sometimes called a humane trap, is often the first choice when trying to catch a groundhog within city limits. A humane trap does not kill the groundhog, but merely incarcerates it until the trapper opens the trap and releases the animal -- preferably in a wood or field many miles away from the homeowner's lawn or garden. A live trap also can contain the groundhog until it can be painlessly euthanized by a veterinarian or an animal control officer. The advantage of the live trap is that it can be employed without fear of harm to pets or small children.
- The steel leghold trap is exactly what it sounds like: a device with powerful steel jaws that will clamp shut on the groundhog's leg -- or any other part of its body -- when the animal steps on it. Unless the groundhog's head gets caught in the trap, the trap likely will not kill it, but it can inflict considerable damage, especially if the panicked animal tries to free itself. The trap will hold the groundhog until a person frees it. The steel leghold trap is indiscriminate -- it will clamp shut just as readily on a pet or child who steps on it -- so you must employ great care if using it in an inhabited area. Many areas ban steel leghold traps or limit where they can be used.
- For the landowner who is sure she wants a permanent solution to the groundhog problem, there is the body-hugging trap. Also known as the conibear trap after the Canadian trapper who designed it, the trap features a square frame with two rotating jaws, and usually two springs. The aim of the conibear trap is to kill an animal quickly and efficiently. Like the steel leghold trap, use of the body-hugging trap is limited or banned in some areas.
- Successful trapping depends largely on technique. If using a live trap, bait it with a favorite groundhog snack, such as lettuce, apple slices or carrots.
No bait is necessary when using a steel leghold trap or a conibear trap. Check the trap regularly -- at least twice a day. If you are trapping several groundhogs, remove each animal's body promptly. Do not use a steel leghold trap or a body-hugging trap where a pet or domestic livestock could step on it.
Locate the trap at the entrance to the groundhog's burrow. Place guide logs on either side of the path leading from the burrow to the trap to "funnel'' the groundhog into the trap. Wear gloves to avoid leaving your scent on the trap. A groundhog is a powerful animal -- make sure you use a trap of sufficient size and strength to contain it.