Home & Garden Home Appliances

GE Dryer Top Removal

    Appliance Safety

    • Before attempting to open the GE dryer cabinet, the electricity for the appliance should be cut off. Although most of the electrical parts for the machine are buried inside the cabinet, mostly underneath the drum, there is still a chance that you could accidentally touch a control panel wire or switch with one of your tools while you are working. To prevent this situation, unplug the dryer from the wall socket where it is connected.

    GE Dryer Styles

    • The two main GE dryers styles can be differentiated by the color of the drum inside the appliance. Older models (pre-1997) will have a darker colored drum inside, while the newer models will have a light colored drum. For both these styles, the first step in removing the GE dryer top is the same. The differences only come into play when lifting the top of the machine off of the dryer.

    Top Screws

    • The top of both GE dryer styles is held in place by screws located on the upper part of the dryer door opening. The heads of the screws are located just underneath the lip on the dryer and may be difficult to find unless you are on the floor and looking up. The screws can be removed with a standard screwdriver.

    Older Style GE Dryer Top Removal

    • Once the screws are removed, the lid of the older style of GE dryer can be leaned back all the way. The top of the dryer is connected by two hinges on either side of the top by the control panel. If you will continue to work inside the dryer, tape this in place so it doesn't fall down on you while servicing the machine.

    Newer Style GE Dryer Top Removal

    • Newer style GE dryers differ in that the lids are not secured to the top of the dryer with hinges or other means. Once the screws are removed on these dryers, the top can be pulled forward and then off the top of the machine.

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