Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Konnor's Birth

My birthing experience was not what I had expected. I thought I would be in labor for 12 hours, have endless stitches, and be overdue. It was just the opposite!

I found out I was pregnant right away. I missed my period and took a test and it came back positive. I was 4 weeks pregnant! Morning sickness came the 6th week and lasted until the 12th week. I hated to get up in the morning those days. After the 12th week, everything was fine. We had an ultrasound done at 20 weeks and found out we were having a boy! We were so excited! After the 20th week, the rest of the pregnancy went by quickly!

I had 2 due dates. My first one (based on my last period) was July 13th and the ultrasound came up with a date of July 10th. I had a doctor's appointment on July 10th. That morning, I woke up and had a bloody show. I called my doctor and he said to come over for my appointment. My husband and I went and he checked me and I was 4 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced! He sent me for a non-stress test just to make sure everything was OK. When they put me on the monitor at the hospital, the nurse asked me if I knew I was having contractions. I told her that I couldn't even feel them. She said everything looked OK and sent me home. I had irregular contractions almost the whole afternoon. They were not even painful. At about 4:30PM, my contractions were starting to get pretty regular. They were coming about every 3-4 minutes and lasting about 30-45 seconds. This went on until about 6:00PM. I called the hospital and the nurse said it was my first child, so if I wanted to wait for a while I could. We decided we should go. We arrived at the hospital at 6:40PM and I was already 5-6 centimeters dilated. The contractions were still not that bad. My water broke at 7:20PM and I was then at 8 centimeters. After that, the contractions were hard. My doctor came and checked me at 7:40PM and asked if I felt like pushing. Only 20 minutes of hard contractions!

I started pushing at 7:40PM and our baby was born at 8:55PM. I couldn't believe he was finally here! Pushing was not that bad, except for the actual delivery. I felt a really bad burning feeling when he was coming out. I did not tear nor did I have to be cut. I considered myself very lucky! Konnor Jeffrey was born at 8:55PM weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 inches long! I was so proud of myself for not having any medication and making it through this wonderful experience. I definitely will have more children! It's the greatest feeling in the world!

Thanks for letting me share my story!


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