Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

3 Ways to Prevent Snoring That Don"t Involve Surgery

There are no two ways about it; snoring is horrible, not least for the sleeping partner who can never get a proper night's sleep.
And, for both people involved, health is at risk over time.
So you -- partner or snorer -- need to find ways to prevent snoring, preferably that don't require drug-based medication or, even worse, surgery.
Here you'll discover 3 ways to prevent snoring at night without surgery.
Eliminate Allergies An important cause of snoring is having allergies that affect the airways.
This is usually through enlarged adenoids and/or tonsils.
Now you can help cure these with antibiotics, but there may be more natural remedies that are effective and preferable.
Talk to your doctor about this one.
Eliminating such allergies goes a long ways to prevent snoring at night.
Reduce the Flab Around Your Neck and Jowls An excess of flesh in these areas adds pressure on your airways as you sleep because your muscles are totally relaxed.
Your air passages then get restricted so that the air cannot flow freely through them.
This sets up vibrations in your soft tissue causing snoring.
So you need to lose that weight.
And, apart from a way of preventing snoring, it's good for your overall health too, isn't it? 3.
Get a Stop Snoring Device It's believed that the majority of serious snorers sleep on their backs through the night.
In this position there is nothing to prevent the chin dropping away from the upper jaw.
The lower jaw and tongue then puts further restriction on the air passage, causing snoring.
Luckily, there are stop snoring devices on the market that can help with this, e.
snore guards, snoring chin straps, snoring mouthpieces, snore pillows, etc.
Get these from the pharmacy or online to help you prevent snoring.
These are just 3 of the ways to prevent snoring at night.
But they're only three, and, not everybody gets the same results.
There are many other issues that you need to understand and address.
The best way is to learn as much as you can about snoring, so that you're better placed to select the snoring remedy that's right for you.

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