Health & Medical Beauty & Style

How to Dye Black Hair

    • 1). Deep condition hair your hair. You can use an extra deep conditioning agent or a moisturing hair creme. Blow dry to open your hair folicles and allow the moisture to be absorbed into the hair. This will help when it stay in better condition when it is stripped and dyed as both are harsh chemicals that can easily ruin your hair and change your texturing.

    • 2). Go to a high caliber hair salon. You want to go somewhere that offers really good quality hair care because you need to get your hair stripped and a bad stripping job can damage your hair for a very long time, if not for life. Tell the stylist you want to dye your black hair. She or he will inform you it needs to be stripped.

    • 3). Have the black dye or coloring stripped out of your hair. If you have naturally black hair it will still need to be stripped of its color. Now don't be afraid when you see the results of the color stripping, as your hair may appear to be anything from a pale blond to a mix of orange, red and brown. Everyone's hair reacts differently to the chemical stripping agents. A really good stylist will send you home after this and have you come back in a few days for the dye job.

    • 4). Go home and during your next shower only use a small amount of shampoo but then condition your hair again with a deep conditioning creme or even apple cidar vinegar. Keep your hair moisturized throughout the next couple of days.

    • 5). Get to the salon for your appointment early and look through the color books. Select a shade that you would like to try. Allow the colorist to dye your hair. It may take a couple of dye jobs or appointments to reach the desired shade and it may be hard to tell before the dying begins because everyone's hair takes in the dye differently.

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