Homemade Natural Spray for Flea Beetles on Tomato Plants
- Garlic is effective at controlling flea beetles. Mince a half head of garlic and mix with 1 quart of water. Allow the mixture to steep for a day and strain. Put the liquid in a spray bottle and apply to the tomato plants.
- Hot peppers, in any form, also help keep flea beetles at bay. Add 2 to 4 tsp. of hot pepper sauce, chili powder, red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper to 1 quart of water. Strain with a coffee filter if flakes or powder is used.
- Many gardeners also use dish soap to rid their tomato plants of these pests. Add 2 to 4 tsp. to water and spray on the plants. Do not use anti-bacterial soap.
- There are additional, non-chemical ways to keep flea beetles away from tomato plants. Place barriers such as row covers or cheesecloth on young plants to stop the pests from feeding on them. Interplanting tomatoes with members of the cabbage family also helps to reduce flea beetle populations.