Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Test of Awareness - Awareness is Always at Ease, It Overcomes Without Competing

"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.
" This quote from Henry Ford has a deeper truth.
Attitude is the thought you bring to any situation or problem.
Directed thoughts come from intention, willful expression of wants and needs.
Intentional thoughts are the genius behind all inventions and innovation.
The deep well of inspiration is the unlimited energy of creation.
The mind is able to take memory of past events and couple them with imaginary events to create new thoughts of invention.
All inventions spring from the process of connecting with the creative energy, the unknown realm of all possibilities.
Thomas Edison was famous for fixing a problem to be solved in his mind and then going into meditative state, waiting for an answer to appear.
Edgar Cayce said "Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.
" was another example of someone with the ability to connect with creative field outside the mind and receive detailed information.
Everyone has intuition, the thought that comes to you automatically without any fore thought.
This is consciousness outside the mind coming into your awareness.
When thoughts arise it is because the mind is responding to the experience of life.
Experience comes first and then thoughts follow.
It is a seamless process, only when you slow your thoughts down does the relationship of thoughts and experience become apparent.
The essential nature of matter is free flowing particles of energy.
When you see an object, you are seeing the reflected light of the organized particles of that object.
At the quantum level the particles are flowing in and out of existence into the greater field of creative energy.
Experience of the unified energy field is so far beyond ordinary sensory capacity that your mind creates thoughts to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown.
The creative energy field is so vast you can only get glimpses of it.
An electric transformer reduces electricity from the source of generation down to the usable level for your household appliances.
The mind acts just like the transformer, the vast field of creative energy would overload your mind if it were not filtered.
Bliss, nirvana and ecstasy are some of the descriptions used by people who have been able to experience the creative energy field unfiltered.
As you expand your awareness your understanding of your relationship to the creative energy field will increase as well.
This is the process of awaking, the path of self realization.
You live your life to the best of your understanding of it.
It is perfect in that sense and your willingness to be open creates space for expansion of ideas and beliefs.
Awareness is the consciousness or understanding of your connection to creative energy.
You are the center of the universe for yourself.
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
" (John 14-6) The way to consciousness of the self is through the self.
The ability to examine your own beliefs is the path to higher consciousness.
Through evolution you have created your own identity.
Out of the one source of life has come the diversity you now see in the world of people, plants and animals.
All are connected in the basic energy of creation.
As each one started its evolutionary track from its beginning changes developed according to its needs and intentions.
This is the natural order of continuous selection within the world of form.
On the individual level, your thoughts and actions are part of your evolution that started millions of years ago.
Along with physical evolution is spiritual evolution.
Spiritual evolution is the process of gaining awareness of the vast creative energy field of all life and bringing it into your consciousness.
What does it mean to start on the path of awareness of self? It is simply taking responsibility for your own happiness and your own suffering.
As your ability to examine your thoughts increases, the awareness to see them for what they are also increases.
Eventually stressful thoughts will slow down and the power of inquiry will dissolve disturbing thoughts automatically.
Relax and allow the peace of awareness to fill your heart and mind.
As you open to your own innate being, you begin to let go of expectation and judgments.
You will find your decisions to be clearer and actions more decisive.
You are the only one who will make your life what it will be.
The trust you have in yourself is not there as protective ego, it is the opposite, total openness to whatever life shows you.
As you practice this level of understanding you can also extend it to others as well.
Can you trust the world to do exactly what it will do and see that it is perfect in its own way? This process will open up many beliefs about what other people should, would or could do differently.
These beliefs cause suffering because they create a false impression of reality.
Ultimately it is only you and your story because you create your own sorrow and happiness.
How you react to life events, whether they are directed by you or come to you from outside sources, is your opportunity to grow awareness.
Most people live in the world of duality, disconnected from the connection of themselves to everyone else.
The world of me and mine so necessary for the development of individuality conceals the relationship you have with everyone else.
Awareness is the foundation for freedom from the delusion of stressful expectations.
Watch your thoughts as they come up when you start projecting stressful expectations.
Ask yourself, what belief is behind that thought? You will find that by honest inquiry, you can challenge yourself to resolve any stressful belief.
Sit with your thoughts, see them for what they are and you will start to have conscious control over them.
As awareness comes to the front of consciousness, stress is resolved.
Your awareness will meet any question and conflict with kindness.
Awareness will welcome you home to yourself.

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