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Flirting on Text - How to Create a Strong Bond With a Girl That You Just Met

Most guys don't now how flirting on text works when it comes to a girl that they just met.
As such, they tend to use boring language that will not make any girl want to keep texting them.
The main reason why guys fail when doing this is because they don't stand out of the crowd or win over a girl's attention.
What you have to do instead is make her long for you while maintaining your power in your blossoming relationship at the same time.
Here are some tips on how you can do that.
Never apologize through text.
If you pay close attention to how flirting on text works for guys who actually succeed in the dating game, then you should notice that they never beg or grovel, and they definitely do not apologize.
Despite what your mother might have taught you when you were younger, being kind to a girl is alright, but you don't need to be so apologetic all the time.
The truth of the matter is that girls don't want to be with guys that are easy to push around.
So, if you want to suck up to a girl, don't grovel or apologize.
Just talk about what's important in a way that makes it sound like you are apologizing even if you aren't.
This will ensure that you maintain the attraction and the power while flirting on text at all times.
Be more comforting than sexual.
The majority of guys out there drop too many sexual innuendoes in their texting conversations with girls.
Unfortunately, these texts do not arouse girls; they make them put up walls around themselves instead.
Remember: your first priority should always be to seem comforting, so that a girl can get comfortable around you.
To do this, control your sexual self and focus on making her laugh more than anything else.
Once she is completely comfortable around you, you can start sending a few sexual comments her way without phasing her.
In fact, if you get flirting on text down pat, you might even be surprised to learn that the girl will start the sexual conversations with you on her own.
She might even turn into the aggressor and gladly take on the role of seducing you.
Keep in mind that this won't happen until she is completely comfortable around you and actually likes you a little bit, though.

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