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Insomnia Basics

In laymens terms, Insomnia is a medical condition characterized by the patient's inability to sleep or rest his/her mind for a reasonable time.
The common symptoms include trouble falling asleep, waking up frequently at night and finding it difficult to go back to sleep again, waking up very early before dawn, or feeling non-refreshed even after an apparent 7-8 hrs sleep at night.
The direct outcome of this condition is that the patients,during the day, will appear sleepy and fatigued, may have troubles concentrating or thinking clearly, and very often, behaves depressed and irritable.
However, thanks to the developments happened in the medical domain, insomnia is completely curable now, the only important aspect being to diagnose the exact cause of insomnia with precision.
Types of Insomnia Insomnia is classified into three types - Transient, Acute (Short-Term) and Chronic.
Transient Insomnia lasts from a single night to few weeks and after that everything will be normal.
Sleeplessness caused due to a short term anxiety or jet-lag can be grouped under transient insomnia.
If such sleeplessness occurs again and again, then that condition is referred to as intermittent.
Acute Insomnia lasts from three weeks to six months, but the patient experiences no symptoms or episodes after that.
If sleeplessness occurs for at least three nights a week and the pattern continues to over a month or more, then it is considered to be Chronic Insomnia.
It is the most severe form of insomnia one can get.
Causes Insomnia can be primary or secondary.
Primary insomnia is caused naturally and is in no way related to any health issue or disease.
Secondary insomnia is the result of some medical condition - such as asthma, cancer, arthritis - fear, stress, anxiety, medications, or a poor sleeping environment in one's bedroom (partner snoring or any other irritating sound or noise constantly disturbing the sleep).
Some other causes of insomnia include sleep apnea, parasomnia, mania, hypomania, gastroesophageal reflux disease etc.
It can also be a symptom of an approaching depression or hyper-thyroidsm.
Treatments As mentioned earlier, insomnia may be the result of a variety of factors.
Hence its treatment also includes diagnosing the exact cause of sleeplessness, and addressing the issue precisely.
For example, if insomnia is caused due to some underlying mental illnesses, it must be cured before the patient could again able to sleep peacefully.
In some cases, doctors may prescribe sleeping pills to bring back the sleep, but such a methodology is not advisable for longer periods.
Relaxation therapy, meditation, acupuncture, aromatherapy, reconditioning, and sleep restriction techniques are also invariably suggested for insomnia, but its effectiveness may vary from person to person.

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