Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Step One - Know What You Don"t Want - Part I of the Five Steps to Getting What You Want Series

Yes, this is contrary to what you may have read or heard elsewhere in regards to the Law of Attraction - but I'm standing my ground on this.
In my little card to the right, I say - "Know what you don't want - and then forget about it.
" Now, say the last line with your best Donny Brasco or Godfather impersonation.
I've been using these five steps for a very long time but when I had these cards made up both Donny Brasco and The Godfather had been on TV recently.
In Donny Brasco the question was posed 'what does - forget about it mean?' and I loved that there were a number of interpretations for that simple phrase.
The one interpretation resonated with me so much because what I heard was 'just let it go' 'let it fall away'.
That's key here because that's exactly what I want you to do after you spend a bit of time to really figure out what you don't want.
Now back to why I'm standing my ground on this being an integral step to the process.
I can't tell you how many people I come across on an on-going basis who have really no clue what they want from their life.
It's so easy to get caught up in the process and routine of life and suddenly you find yourself in a rut and feeling frustrated.
Now this can happen easily enough, we find a job or create a business that we love and suddenly it starts running our life and we forget what we loved about it in the first place.
Same thing in relationships, we find someone, fall in love and we become wonderfully entrenched in each others lives but all of a sudden, we find ourselves doing things that really aren't of ANY interest to us whatsoever.
I know, I've been there on all the fronts of job, business and love.
Parents are notorious for this - they are wonderful parents and do absolutely amazing things all in the name of their kids (which is fabulous) but they end up losing themselves and a sense of who they are and all of a sudden the kids are off to carry on their lives - the parent is left behind wondering what's important now..
So Step One is really a wake-up call or a shake-up for all of us to step back and review life and figure out what is (if anything) draining you at this time.
Once you do that, do this for all the items on your list: oStop doing it and make the choice to be okay with that; oKeep doing it and make the choice to be okay with that; oForget about it - let it roll off your back as quick as you can.
Sometimes you'll try to beat yourself up about it but forgive yourself.
Like I said - forget about it.
The reason others don't like to include this step is because you don't want the Law of Attraction to work against you and bring you more of what you don't want.
I just want you to become conscious of what you've been tolerating, deal with it and then move on to the fun stuff - creating more of what you DO want!! You deserve to have what you want - make it happen!

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