Business & Finance Finance

Know the Number of ATMs in the Area Before You Transfer Money to Pakistan

Before you transfer money to Pakistan, you should find out which methods are available, and use the one you think would be most convenient.
Clearly, not all methods are helpful to all people.
For example, if your relative does not have a bank account, you cannot take the common route of transferring money to an account.
In such a case, using a prepaid debit card would be the most useful route.
However, you should ensure that there are ample ATMs in the area before you do so.
Like most countries, Pakistan has lots of ATMs in the major cities, such as Karachi and Islamabad.
This is because there are plenty of bank branches, such as Citibank Pakistan, in these areas.
The banks tend to have ATMs that are open all day, everyday, which makes using a prepaid debit card in Pakistan quite convenient.
However, more remote areas, including Kashmir, have few, if any, ATMs, so having some cash there would be best.
Fortunately, it is quite easy to withdraw money from ATMs.
If your relative does not live in an area with plenty of access to these machines, they may consider traveling to a larger city to withdraw cash to have on-hand.
The fee is typically about $1.
50 USD per withdrawal, or about 128 Pakistan rupee.
You can add up to $1000 USD per day on the card, so your relative can remove a sizeable amount at once.
On the other hand, some small cities without ATMs do have major stores that accept debit cards.
Your relative will likely know if this is the case where they live.
If they do not live near any ATMs or merchants that take cards, and do not wish to travel, you might be better off using a different method to transfer money to Pakistan.
However, this route has been known to work in nearly any country.
This nation has seen an increase in usage of ATM cards in recent years.
This is largely because more banks in the area have added ATM machines to their branch, and the people's increasing familiarity with them has encouraged even more banks to continue this trend.
Therefore, your relative should have few issues using a prepaid debit card, which makes it quite easy for you to transfer money to Pakistan.
You will simply ensure that your recipient wants you to take this route, and if so, you can expect to pay a $5 fee per transfer.
Your relative can then decide whether it is more convenient to withdraw cash from ATMs, or use the debit card to purchase items such as gas, groceries, or pay bills online.
Either way, your relative will likely love the flexibility that they are offered when you use a prepaid debit card to transfer money to Pakistan.

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