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Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for July 23, 2007

Okay, let’s all stand up and cheer because Adriana has finally had that light bulb moment that knocked some sense into that gullible head of hers and finally made her aware that Tate is not the sweet, misunderstood victim of his daddy that she thought he was. She’s had plenty of clues along the way, not the first of which was many weeks ago when she saw him coming out of the hospital after the explosion.

I guess the first incident that made her really suspicious was that scene in the funeral home when Tate was planning his father’s funeral. Tate nearly crawled out of his skin when he found out that the funeral director’s name was Emilio. I found that scene a bit ridiculous, only because when Tate took notice of the man’s name, I thought that having the man explain that his family is Dominican was out of place. The writing seemed forced, like they had to do something obvious to make Tate look like a bigot and it didn’t work for me. What did put the icing on the cake was when Adriana suggested that they have a viewing for his father so that possibly other OPP members could be drawn out and caught. Adriana got a good sample of his temper when he flew off the handle, asking her why she wanted to set a trap for them.

We got to really see what Tate is capable of when Adriana, who finally got a clue that he was trouble, left him to go back to work with a kiss on the cheek. Tate couldn’t rub that kiss off his cheek fast enough when she left.

It was as if he were bitten by a poisonous snake. His daydream about killing Adriana left no one wondering what his plans were for her.

She did exhibit a lot of guts when after realizing who Tate really was and finding that OPP medallion in his backpack, she confronted him and insisted that he throw it away. He only looked guiltier when he refused to throw it away and gave all kinds of excuses about it being the only thing he had left of his father. It was like tearing off a limb when he finally agreed to throw it in the wastebasket, but when he left and stole her keys you knew he’d be back to claim his pride and joy. At least she finally got a brain in her head and went to Rex. I hope he doesn’t take Tate on by himself.

I hope that Adriana and Rex are able to get past the mess they are in and get back together. Not that they were the most interesting couple in Llanview, but couples that love each other are in short supply so I’d like to see them make it work. I hope that Layla was wrong when she told Rex that she didn’t think Adriana would forgive him this time and take him back. Rex loves Adriana and she admitted to still loving him, so Layla sounds way off base.

So, Jessica and David survived the surgery and are doing well. David is doing really well, considering he’s sitting on $10 million. I thought the scene was very cute when he and Jessica were in the recovery room together and he said, “I hope you enjoy my organ as much as I have.” I wonder if David is going to return that money to Clint. He did make a good point to Clint (well, a good point in David’s greedy mind) when he told Clint, “You got yourself a bargain. Jessica is okay and Asa won’t go to jail.” It’s taking all of Clint’s willpower not to tell Viki about David blackmailing him for that money.

I thought it was very realistic that Jessica admitted to being afraid to leave the hospital. Who could blame her for being wary after she rejected the first transplant? Poor Nash. He wanted assurance from Paige that Jessica wouldn’t reject the second liver and Paige couldn’t reassure him. Well, we all know she’ll be fine. Let’s face it. Jessica has to be well to deal with the next horrible thing that will happen to her down the line. LOL!

And before we get into the Todd Manning mess, I have to say that one of the main reasons I am looking forward to all the Todd stuff is because I am hoping for a great storyline for Michael and Marcie. Although I feel that Michael dug himself a very deep hole when he made the decision to keep Tommy’s paternity a secret from Marcie, I know he only did it because he loves her so much and both of them love Tommy so much. I’m not saying it’s right to keep Todd from his son, but I see all sides of this one. And now Marcie is so upset about not being able to have a baby that she’s taking it out on poor Michael. I know she’s emotionally distraught, but it was wrong for her to take it out on Michael for leaving her and getting some space to deal with the bombshell she dropped on him. Marcie has had a long time to deal with the fact that she can’t have a baby and it would be enough for Michael just to have to deal with all of a sudden receiving that information. The fact that Michael is keeping a huge secret that could destroy Marcie even more is killing him. Marcie needs to give him some space to deal with everything. She knows that he loves her more than anything and she has to let him have time to adjust to the news like she did.

Okay, now we have to deal with Miles. I love the fact that his whole world is exploding in his face, but something comes to mind and that is the fact that Todd hasn’t really seen Miles to able to blame everything on him, has he? Or maybe he was so drugged he won’t remember. The police need to get a hold of Hunter and get him to confess to everything, but that won’t be easy.

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