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Best site to sell items online and view local classifieds

Nowadays, as the Internet marketing is growing rapidly, the demand on purchasing goods and services online is also getting higher. This web site is specifically tailored for those users who are interested in local classifieds, which include various commodities, services, real estate, jobs, personals and local events. Users can search, browse, advertise and auction various items, grouped in several categories, for free. Extensive rating system of buyers, sellers and service providers helps users in choosing the best option, based on the rating and transaction history of the buyer/seller/provider and price of the item/service.


Top-level menu of the web sites shows main categories of the classifieds like transport, housing, generic sell and buy, various services, jobs, dating and events. Sub-categories include cars, trucks, bikes, motorcycles, parts, household items, electronics, books, cell phones as well as jobs in various fields, real-estate, apartments, yellow page for services and much more. Users can either search or use those categories and corresponding sub-categories to browse the items they are interested in. To post a classified ad, users can either use a regular posting or auction. Auction allows other users to bid on the auctioned item in real time.


One special category, worth mentioning separately, is "Events" category. It lists information about upcoming or ongoing events such as concerts, movies, festivals, exhibitions, sport events etc. effectively assisting user in planning a day-to-day, holiday and weekend activities and cultural programs.


Every classified ad posting includes number of fields that fully describe the item. Some fields are category/sub-category specific, such as "Transmission" or "Mileage" for "Cars", or "Number of Bedrooms" for "Apartments". Almost all the fields are searchable, which allows users to quickly find exactly what they are looking for. Whenever possible, photos can be attached to a posting to make it even more appealing for potential customers.


The web site had been designed with a locality (geographical area) in mind, hence the words "Local Classifieds". The system detects your location and shows you ads that are in proximity of your location – one of the default filters on the top of each page is a radius around your city. But if you are interested in another location or want to change radius around your city, you can easily do so with the default filter.


The most important thing to know is that the information on the site is constantly updated by many users and by visiting this site regularly you can find new ads that had been added since your last visit.


Take a look at the and visit us often. Share this valuable resource with your friends and family. Use the power of your local classified ads to save you time and money!

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