Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Green Wedding Advice - Dealing With Anti-Greenies

One of the toughest things a green bride can experience during the planning of her eco wedding is a lack of support from those closest to her. As much as we like to think that everyone is all aboard when it comes to living more responsibly, there are still a number of folks who are indifferent or skeptical about environmental efforts.<br>
That's ok. Marrying in a more sustainable way doesn't require you to change anyone. They are entitled to feel the way they do and, who knows, with the right attitude your own actions could even inspire those naysayers to open their eyes a bit.

In the meantime, you still have to deal with comments, sighs and resistance about your eco choices...which, of course, isn't ideal since this is supposed to be the most joyous time of your life. So here are a few thoughts on how to deal with this situation:<br>
1. Keep it about you. Although a wedding is a celebration for the entire family, you are at the core of it. And without you, there would be no event. So, when others try to sway you from your ethics, just remember that it isn't really about them anyhow and politely explain that it's just your personal preference.

2. Keep a low profile. If you know for a fact that you have a Negative Nelly in your midst, then spare yourself the frustration of dealing with them by choosing not to advertise your greener choices. In all likelihood, if they don't know your invites are on recycled paper, they probably won't even notice the difference. Same goes for organic food, Fair Trade jewelry and just about anything else on your eco list.

3. Know the facts. When you invest in something sustainable, it's absolutely ok to ask your provider not only what makes it green but what type of impact your purchase has. If anyone asks you why you chose to go with a certain option, you can answer them intelligently. Speak in results that they can appreciate and it will probably get them on your side sooner than you might think. (Ex. "it saved 10 trees," "it prevents drug farming in Thailand," "it provides jobs locally")<br>
4. Don't get obsessive. It's really incredible that you've chosen to make more conscious choices when executing the largest purchasing budget you've probably ever had. However, if you're stressing out over every single tiny detail, then others will pick up on it and they may not approve. The thing to remember is that there is no need to make good the enemy of great. Do the best you can with the resources available to you and don't sweat the small stuff. The less you stress over your green wedding, the more acceptable it will be to those around you.<br>
5. Make it easy. As long as your choices don't require extra effort or cause any inconveniences for others, you probably won't get any criticism. People tend to get very uneasy when they are asked to step out of their comfort zone unwillingly. Try to keep it simple for all involved and you're sure to win more friends than enemies on this front.

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