Family & Relationships Conflict

5 Things to Bring With You When Meeting Your Ex Girlfriend

Reuniting with your ex...
it's both awkward and exhilarating.
Whether your girlfriend broke up with you or you mutually parted ways, getting her back into your arms again will rely upon how you handle seeing her.
You need to let her know you're interested in dating her again, but not seem too eager or desperate.
You also have to keep things light and casual, without getting too serious.
As if that weren't enough, you've got to handle the things she brings to the table correctly...
or she could walk away.
The following is a list of must-have behaviors when you're going to see your ex for the first time: Confidence - Cool, calm, collected confidence.
This will go a long way toward making your ex want you again.
No matter what happened during your break up, you need to exude an air of self-assuredness that lets your ex know you're in control.
Don't confuse confidence with arrogance either - you don't want to seem too cocky.
But you do want to keep the attitude that you know what you're doing.
Humor - Keep it light, keep it happy, and keep your ex comfortable.
Humor is a great ice-breaker, especially if you and your ex haven't seen each other for a while.
Make sure there are no awkward pauses or long stretches of silence during your time together.
If you need to, crack a joke about something around you or someone you both know.
If you can make your girlfriend comfortable, she'll open up more.
Not only that, but she'll also be more receptive to the things you have to say.
Conversation - When seeing your ex-girlfriend, you should have a pretty good idea of what to talk about.
Stay simple: ask what she's been up to, and how she's been doing.
Asking about work, school, friends, and family are all good openers.
That being said, don't pry too deep.
If she believes you're interrogating her, she might think you're trying to figure out what she's been doing (and who she's been doing it with) during your break up.
You don't want to seem jealous.
All talks you have should be easygoing and simple.
And one last secret to success: let your ex do most of the talking.
Fun - The two of you should reminisce about old times as well as make small talk about what you've been doing in each other's absence.
Reliving the fun you once had will plant seeds in your exgirlfriend's head that maybe she'd like to continue that fun by dating you again.
Don't do it too often or make it too obvious, but there's no harm in a sentence or two that starts with "Hey, remember that time we did this (or that)...
" Your ex agreed to meet you because she thought it would be good to see and talk to you again - if you want her back, you need to keep it fun for her.
This will also ensure that you get another meeting.
Honesty - Your first 'date' with an exgirlfriend shouldn't include any serious talk or discussion about the break up.
However, if she begins asking how you feel about things it's time for nothing but brutal honesty.
Don't hold back for fear of getting your feelings hurt - if she's come this far with you, she wants to know where you stand.
Give honesty and expect the same thing in return.
When you do get back with your ex girlfriend, you'll both be able to build on a solid foundation.
If you're having trouble getting to the point of a reunion date, don't worry.
There are lots of great techniques you can use to get your ex to see you again.
Arm yourself with this knowledge, and do it soon.
The faster you act, the better your chances of fixing your break up.

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