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Border Patrol Finally Builds a Fence

Well, at last that the United States government is going to now build a 700-mile fence along the US Mexican border.
The only problem with that is there are already 24 million plus illegal aliens in the country and one has to ask how will they get back home for Christmas? Now is this fence to keep the bad guys out or imprison all Americans from escape? Although this is a rhetorical and hypothetical question you do have to ask it.
Some day in lets say 50 years from now the goal should be to have no fences between our nation's borders.
Perhaps it might take a hundred years but that should be a goal.
If Mexico is our friend and trading partner then it seems rather odd to put up a fence between us.
It is unfortunate that the Mexican government has abused the privilege of the proximity of the United States to their nation.
Some people believe and Al Qaeda has claimed that their international terrorist cells have indeed already smuggled weapons of mass destruction over the border between the United States and Mexico and that material is already in our country.
So putting up a border fence now to keep out the international terrorists is kind of funny.
Because if indeed this stuff is already here what difference does it make?In that case the government once again has failed to protect the American people.
If the legal immigration is such a huge problem what took them so long to build a fence in the first place?Inquiring minds want to know.
Was it the vigilantes on the border, the mass media, protests and riots that caused this?Why now?It is silly to think that our congressional leadership is putting up this fence for any other reason except public opinion and their future elections.
These are just random thoughts that you might consider on the news that the United States government is going to build a 700 mile fence on the United States Mexican border.
Just think on it.

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