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Video: Painting a Pumpkin With Acrylics

Video Transcript

Hi! This is Brenda and today we are working on our acrylic painting project. Now for this project I have decided to use a pumpkin and it is Fall, and so I am going to make some leaves on the pumpkin. This is a real pumpkin by the way, I have got my acrylic paints here to choose from my basket of various colors and my little plastic tray for my painting and I have got my brush that I have decided to use, so I am ready to begin. Now we start off with a clean pumpkin and first I am just going to kind of draw an outline on my pumpkin of some leaves. Now if you don¡¯t feel comfortable just free hand drawing like this, you can of course cut out a design and trace it onto your pumpkin and then just fill in like that if you would like to. You can find designs in coloring books or various magazines. So I have just made a basic design like this and now I am just going to go and fill in with my acrylic paint, like this. Now I am going to get some of my orange paint and I am just going to blend it in like this, because of course leaves are different colors and just have some mingling colors like this and I am going to come around over here and make another leaf shape and this will be pretty out on your patio or front door step and it makes a pretty Fall decoration. When I am through, I will immediately clean my brushes because we don¡¯t want to have dried up paint brushes when we begin our next art project.

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