Since 1982, Goodman Heat Pumps Has Been a Popular Product
There are many names that you will find in the HVAC industry today but one that stands out is Goodman.
They manufacture products that give performance as well as reliability.
The Goodman Heat Pumps that you will find are electric units and are used to either cool or heat a home.
They do this by using two different reservoirs in order to transfer heat.
These heat pumps will remove heat from inside a house into the outside when the climate is set in the warmer months of the year.
When in the cooler months of the year, the Goodman Heat Pumps will do the exact opposite.
They will take heat from the outside and bring it into the house.
It can be as low as 32 degrees Fahrenheit outside in order for the units to extract heat.
You can count on reaping several benefits when using one of these heat pumps.
These benefits include being able to enjoy a comfortable home all year round no matter what the temperature is outside.
These heat pumps will reduce the amount of humidity that is in the air as well as stabilize the temperatures to be more uniform throughout the whole home.
One fact to consider when it comes to not choosing the Goodman Heat Pumps is the fact that if you live in severe cold temperatures, this heat pump may not be for you.
You would probably be better off switching to a furnace and air conditioning type of unit.
When using these heat pumps, you will also find that your air is a lot cleaner as well.
These units pull air through ducts that have air filters within them.
These air filters, filter out all the pollens, dust, and lint before circulating the air back into the home.
You will find that the Goodman Heat Pumps will also have a much quieter operation because the main part of the unit which makes the noise is set outside.
This is the compressor bearing unit.
These pumps have a SEER rating of between 13 and 18.
You can visit the Goodman website on the Internet to learn more information about the different models that are available.
You can also get a good idea on which model would possibly fit the needs of your household and your family.
Getting the right unit solely relies on the heating and cooling needs of the family as well as the size and structure of the location that is being heated and cooled.
They manufacture products that give performance as well as reliability.
The Goodman Heat Pumps that you will find are electric units and are used to either cool or heat a home.
They do this by using two different reservoirs in order to transfer heat.
These heat pumps will remove heat from inside a house into the outside when the climate is set in the warmer months of the year.
When in the cooler months of the year, the Goodman Heat Pumps will do the exact opposite.
They will take heat from the outside and bring it into the house.
It can be as low as 32 degrees Fahrenheit outside in order for the units to extract heat.
You can count on reaping several benefits when using one of these heat pumps.
These benefits include being able to enjoy a comfortable home all year round no matter what the temperature is outside.
These heat pumps will reduce the amount of humidity that is in the air as well as stabilize the temperatures to be more uniform throughout the whole home.
One fact to consider when it comes to not choosing the Goodman Heat Pumps is the fact that if you live in severe cold temperatures, this heat pump may not be for you.
You would probably be better off switching to a furnace and air conditioning type of unit.
When using these heat pumps, you will also find that your air is a lot cleaner as well.
These units pull air through ducts that have air filters within them.
These air filters, filter out all the pollens, dust, and lint before circulating the air back into the home.
You will find that the Goodman Heat Pumps will also have a much quieter operation because the main part of the unit which makes the noise is set outside.
This is the compressor bearing unit.
These pumps have a SEER rating of between 13 and 18.
You can visit the Goodman website on the Internet to learn more information about the different models that are available.
You can also get a good idea on which model would possibly fit the needs of your household and your family.
Getting the right unit solely relies on the heating and cooling needs of the family as well as the size and structure of the location that is being heated and cooled.