Health & Medical Body building

How to Get a Fast Six Pack - 1 Month to Ripped City

If you want to know how to get a fast six pack, make sure you read this article carefully because the strategy I'm about to layout might surprise you.
Under a year ago I was exactly like you.
I was struggling to make my abs show.
Even after doing countless crunches and ab exercises, they just wouldn't seem to 'pop'.
But then I read a book that opened my eyes, and within a month, my six pack was visible to the world for the first time.
If you want to get a six pack you're going to have to forget about doing sit-ups and crunches.
In fact, you're going to have to forget about doing ab exercises of any kind.
The real secret to getting a fast six pack, is losing fat.
That's right, the spare tire you're carrying over your abs is what's holding you back.
So the real strategy you should take when trying to get a six pack is to try to lose fat.
This might be something you haven't really heard before.
People will try to sell you on ab devices and pulsating belts.
Don't fall for this crap.
You're going to have to put in a little bit of effort if you want a flat stomach.
But the good part is, it doesn't take nearly as long as you might expect.
In order to lose the fat around your belly, you'll need a combination of a good diet (high in proteins, healthy fats, and fiber), and an exercise program with lots of 'compound' movements.
This would include deadlifts and front squats.
These types of exercises burn more calories than a crunch EVER will.

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