How Three Powerful Steps to Conscious Marketing Can Dramatically BOOST Your Business!
When you sit down in front of your computer and design marketing programs, email current clients, prospective clients, dial the phone, push send on your email - are you operating out of lack, fear and worry or are you in a mindset of faith, abundance, belief, increase, and success? Faith is the key here-believe before it happens.
How do you think Olympian Champions win their games? They have seen it in their minds eye and felt it well before the competition starts.
Here's the secret: Your marketing results will follow your thoughts and feelings.
By holding your marketing efforts in a place of belief, success, and faith - you are raising the vibration of your efforts thus creating a boomerang effect - what you think and feel will come back and demonstrate in physical form.
Let me emphasize here - thinking and feeling are the key to manifesting your heart's desire.
I am sure you a no stranger to the film THE SECRET AND LAW OF ATTRACTION.
I was living the secret before it was a secret! I live from the same operating principles.
You work on your inner game - your inner environment before the outer form appears.
Be aware - before you do the tasks required for the moment - for the day - be CONSCIOUS of your thoughts and feelings - where are you holding your marketing effort in your mind? As with anything in life, when you come from a place of faith, belief, abundance and success, you will create the physical equivalent.
Abundance is your natural state of being.
All fear, worry, and concern are man-made.
It is not of natural qualities.
Can you imagine a tree, plant, flower having thoughts of scarcity, fear, worry that it won't grow? You will ultimately demonstrate what you think and feel.
This is not airy fairy.
This is not Pollyanna thinking.
It has been scientifically researched by hundreds of professionals.
THE SECRET would never have been a success if the principles were not researched for the truth and fact based.
It was based on the book by famous author Wallace Wattles, "The Science of Getting Rich.
" Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Neal Donald Walsh, and hundreds more authors would not be leading authorities on this conscious subject if it did not work.
It's just a matter of you shifting the way you think, feel and operate.
And that takes time.
Give yourself the opportunity to learn and ease into the mindset - and watch your world change for the better! Here are three beginning powerful steps to be a CONSCIOUS MARKETER! Sit down with a pen and paper and answer the following: 1.
What do you want to accomplish in your marketing? Write a detailed scenario.
How does it look and feel? Write it in the present tense as if it already happened.
It's already done.
For example: "I am securing over 1,000 new subscribers in my email database from my target market who are quality names that want my product and service.
" Or "I am generating over $20,000 mo in revenues for serving my clients what they want and value!" 2.
Clarity Now take your statement from above and speak it aloud with passionate feelings TWICE DAILY - morning and evening.
Even better, if you have a person in your life you trust that would support your goals and dreams - their job is to just listen as you speak your goals.
I call that a conscious support partner.
By speaking your goals over and over - you are telling your subconscious mind what to do.
This is the same process in the WORLD RENOWNED BEST SELLER THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill.
It works.
Please be kind to yourself - this is a work in progress so your scenario can be changed at will.
As you grow more confident in your goals - as you believe more - you may want to add more details! It's a work in progress.
Gratitude: In a daily journal, before going to sleep and upon awakening - please write down 10 things you are grateful for simple or profound.
THE more you are grateful the more things show up to be grateful for.
Gratitude is a multiplier of good.
It's real.
Plus being in a state of gratitude - raises your vibration for good to manifest because you FEEL good, thus attracting more good.
2008 eCreative agency
How do you think Olympian Champions win their games? They have seen it in their minds eye and felt it well before the competition starts.
Here's the secret: Your marketing results will follow your thoughts and feelings.
By holding your marketing efforts in a place of belief, success, and faith - you are raising the vibration of your efforts thus creating a boomerang effect - what you think and feel will come back and demonstrate in physical form.
Let me emphasize here - thinking and feeling are the key to manifesting your heart's desire.
I am sure you a no stranger to the film THE SECRET AND LAW OF ATTRACTION.
I was living the secret before it was a secret! I live from the same operating principles.
You work on your inner game - your inner environment before the outer form appears.
Be aware - before you do the tasks required for the moment - for the day - be CONSCIOUS of your thoughts and feelings - where are you holding your marketing effort in your mind? As with anything in life, when you come from a place of faith, belief, abundance and success, you will create the physical equivalent.
Abundance is your natural state of being.
All fear, worry, and concern are man-made.
It is not of natural qualities.
Can you imagine a tree, plant, flower having thoughts of scarcity, fear, worry that it won't grow? You will ultimately demonstrate what you think and feel.
This is not airy fairy.
This is not Pollyanna thinking.
It has been scientifically researched by hundreds of professionals.
THE SECRET would never have been a success if the principles were not researched for the truth and fact based.
It was based on the book by famous author Wallace Wattles, "The Science of Getting Rich.
" Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Neal Donald Walsh, and hundreds more authors would not be leading authorities on this conscious subject if it did not work.
It's just a matter of you shifting the way you think, feel and operate.
And that takes time.
Give yourself the opportunity to learn and ease into the mindset - and watch your world change for the better! Here are three beginning powerful steps to be a CONSCIOUS MARKETER! Sit down with a pen and paper and answer the following: 1.
What do you want to accomplish in your marketing? Write a detailed scenario.
How does it look and feel? Write it in the present tense as if it already happened.
It's already done.
For example: "I am securing over 1,000 new subscribers in my email database from my target market who are quality names that want my product and service.
" Or "I am generating over $20,000 mo in revenues for serving my clients what they want and value!" 2.
Clarity Now take your statement from above and speak it aloud with passionate feelings TWICE DAILY - morning and evening.
Even better, if you have a person in your life you trust that would support your goals and dreams - their job is to just listen as you speak your goals.
I call that a conscious support partner.
By speaking your goals over and over - you are telling your subconscious mind what to do.
This is the same process in the WORLD RENOWNED BEST SELLER THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill.
It works.
Please be kind to yourself - this is a work in progress so your scenario can be changed at will.
As you grow more confident in your goals - as you believe more - you may want to add more details! It's a work in progress.
Gratitude: In a daily journal, before going to sleep and upon awakening - please write down 10 things you are grateful for simple or profound.
THE more you are grateful the more things show up to be grateful for.
Gratitude is a multiplier of good.
It's real.
Plus being in a state of gratitude - raises your vibration for good to manifest because you FEEL good, thus attracting more good.
2008 eCreative agency