Searching For Love With The Law of Attraction
Searching for love can be a real drag.
Particularly if you're not in the right mind state.
So, in this article, I'm going to teach you about the law of attraction and how to make searching for love into the magical process it should be.
So first, what is the law of attraction? It's a theory based off the theory of vibration in Napoleon Hill's The Law of Success.
This theory basically argues that like things vibrate in harmony with each other, and as such there's a natural attraction between them.
This happens, argues Hill, because the rate at which something vibrates makes it what it is--for instance, if you put a torch onto a piece of glass, it'll raise the vibrations at which the glass resonates and eventually this increased vibration will turn it red as it gains heat.
OK, now a fair question to ask is what does this have to do with searching for love? I'm so glad you asked.
The point is this: if you want to find love, you need to vibrate in harmony with love and your lover.
To do this, you need to believe in love and be the right person for your lover.
And this is insanely difficult, right? Yes because as long as you believe it's difficult, you'll miss out on it.
But not really.
All you need to do is have a little faith.
Faith in what you might ask: faith in love, yourself, and your beloved.
It's really hard to believe, but unless you know what you're looking for and you believe in it, you can pass up a gem...
I did that with my dearest for years, then fell for her in an afternoon.
(And yes, felt very silly afterwards, but that's OK--it's more fun that way!) But faith and whimsy and the belief that anything can happen are so important to love--and people overlook this all the time.
So much so that they say, "love never lasts", "love fades with time", "enjoy it while it lasts", etc.
We call this "the honeymoon stage" because afterwards, it's all going to go to hell and take us with it.
Or it'll get so dull and mundane that it won't be worth living.
Or then the real you and the real them will come out.
Why do we tell ourselves these lousy stories over and over? Why don't we tell ourselves beautiful stories about people falling more and more in love everyday? Stories about people searching for love and finding exactly what they want? Why don't we tell ourselves that our princess really is in the next castle? And on that note, if we could all be like Mario, then we'd really get it.
Searching for love isn't worth anything unless you're willing to sacrifice and fight for it.
It's like The Little Prince tells you in the book about him, it's the time that you waste on the ones you love that's important--and to take it further, it's really about finding someone worth wasting all that time on.
I mean, I probably wasted a whole year of my life helping Mario save his beloved in his various games...
So, what's a little wasted time searching for the right person for me now? How do you use the law of attraction when searching for love? The key is to decide what you really want and dedicate yourself to that.
You'll want to decide what you really want in a lover.
Do yourself a huge favor and imagine all of these things with your eyes closed--not literally necessarily, but figuratively: think about traits of the perfect person for you; someone you could spend the rest of your life next to if you were both paralyzed; a best friend to share life with...
If you're like everyone I know who's done this, you won't be sad with the results anyway.
After this, you need to work on yourself and remove your blocks.
To do this, begin imagining yourself having already found your love and living the life of your dreams.
Do this as realistically as possible.
This will help you start to embody the traits and habits you'll need to be the kind of person you need to be in order to have that relationship.
(Because even if the law of vibrations isn't literally correct, there's something about what you're doing that's giving you the results you're getting.
If you change that, then you'll change the results you're getting.
But as you imagine, you'll likely start to find the same blocks begin to arise as they do in real life.
Some people are able to disassociate enough that they can already imagine living this perfect life--if this is you, then just enjoy raising your state and take that with you into real life and note the blocks that arise therein.
Regardless, once you pinpoint your blocks, you need to overcome them (there are thousands of ways, but thought stopping or "nexting"--rejecting a bad thought by saying "next" and shoving it out of your mind--is a good place to start).
Once you've overcome your blocks, then it's time to get out there and really get to searching for love--though, once your blocks are gone, you'll be surprised to see just what manifests before you.
It's kind of weird, but once you overcome your problems, you often find yourself rewarded with the thing that's alluded you all along sitting there already staring you in the face.
Maybe you're like me and the most brilliant and beautiful girl (she hates feeling old) you've ever known has had a crush on you for years--and you just missed it...
over and over and over again because she's too conservative to make the first move and you were too cynical to actually see her...
Particularly if you're not in the right mind state.
So, in this article, I'm going to teach you about the law of attraction and how to make searching for love into the magical process it should be.
So first, what is the law of attraction? It's a theory based off the theory of vibration in Napoleon Hill's The Law of Success.
This theory basically argues that like things vibrate in harmony with each other, and as such there's a natural attraction between them.
This happens, argues Hill, because the rate at which something vibrates makes it what it is--for instance, if you put a torch onto a piece of glass, it'll raise the vibrations at which the glass resonates and eventually this increased vibration will turn it red as it gains heat.
OK, now a fair question to ask is what does this have to do with searching for love? I'm so glad you asked.
The point is this: if you want to find love, you need to vibrate in harmony with love and your lover.
To do this, you need to believe in love and be the right person for your lover.
And this is insanely difficult, right? Yes because as long as you believe it's difficult, you'll miss out on it.
But not really.
All you need to do is have a little faith.
Faith in what you might ask: faith in love, yourself, and your beloved.
It's really hard to believe, but unless you know what you're looking for and you believe in it, you can pass up a gem...
I did that with my dearest for years, then fell for her in an afternoon.
(And yes, felt very silly afterwards, but that's OK--it's more fun that way!) But faith and whimsy and the belief that anything can happen are so important to love--and people overlook this all the time.
So much so that they say, "love never lasts", "love fades with time", "enjoy it while it lasts", etc.
We call this "the honeymoon stage" because afterwards, it's all going to go to hell and take us with it.
Or it'll get so dull and mundane that it won't be worth living.
Or then the real you and the real them will come out.
Why do we tell ourselves these lousy stories over and over? Why don't we tell ourselves beautiful stories about people falling more and more in love everyday? Stories about people searching for love and finding exactly what they want? Why don't we tell ourselves that our princess really is in the next castle? And on that note, if we could all be like Mario, then we'd really get it.
Searching for love isn't worth anything unless you're willing to sacrifice and fight for it.
It's like The Little Prince tells you in the book about him, it's the time that you waste on the ones you love that's important--and to take it further, it's really about finding someone worth wasting all that time on.
I mean, I probably wasted a whole year of my life helping Mario save his beloved in his various games...
So, what's a little wasted time searching for the right person for me now? How do you use the law of attraction when searching for love? The key is to decide what you really want and dedicate yourself to that.
You'll want to decide what you really want in a lover.
Do yourself a huge favor and imagine all of these things with your eyes closed--not literally necessarily, but figuratively: think about traits of the perfect person for you; someone you could spend the rest of your life next to if you were both paralyzed; a best friend to share life with...
If you're like everyone I know who's done this, you won't be sad with the results anyway.
After this, you need to work on yourself and remove your blocks.
To do this, begin imagining yourself having already found your love and living the life of your dreams.
Do this as realistically as possible.
This will help you start to embody the traits and habits you'll need to be the kind of person you need to be in order to have that relationship.
(Because even if the law of vibrations isn't literally correct, there's something about what you're doing that's giving you the results you're getting.
If you change that, then you'll change the results you're getting.
But as you imagine, you'll likely start to find the same blocks begin to arise as they do in real life.
Some people are able to disassociate enough that they can already imagine living this perfect life--if this is you, then just enjoy raising your state and take that with you into real life and note the blocks that arise therein.
Regardless, once you pinpoint your blocks, you need to overcome them (there are thousands of ways, but thought stopping or "nexting"--rejecting a bad thought by saying "next" and shoving it out of your mind--is a good place to start).
Once you've overcome your blocks, then it's time to get out there and really get to searching for love--though, once your blocks are gone, you'll be surprised to see just what manifests before you.
It's kind of weird, but once you overcome your problems, you often find yourself rewarded with the thing that's alluded you all along sitting there already staring you in the face.
Maybe you're like me and the most brilliant and beautiful girl (she hates feeling old) you've ever known has had a crush on you for years--and you just missed it...
over and over and over again because she's too conservative to make the first move and you were too cynical to actually see her...