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Setting the Mood with Red Curtains

One of the great things about having a home is the challenge of trying to create a particular mood in a particular room. Everyone has moods in their lives, whether they are happy, sad, scared, nervous, passionate, playful, or peaceful. The rooms in one's home can also evoke different feelings. If the dcor of a room is dim and dark, that is the feeling one might have when in the room. However, if a room is bright and cheerful, someone in that room will more readily reflect those feelings.

Depending on the colors one uses in their rooms, different moods can envelope the room and its occupant. One color that can evoke strong feelings is red. Most see this as an intense color, mainly used to set the mood for romance. However, when its various shades are used properly, one can make several different statements in addition to romance. Using red curtains in their various styles and materials is a good way to start developing the feelings of a room.

The kitchen/dining areas are good places to start with a red dcor. Research has shown that using this color can stimulate one's appetite. This is why many restaurants make use of this color in one way or another. Cherry colored gingham curtains will work well in these areas, and with the addition of matching accent pieces, such as dinnerware, napkins, etc., one can transform this area into a bright, exciting space.

Although bright shades such as crimson are often chosen as a bedroom color, they are not the best colors to use if one wants a passionate getaway. Because this is an energizing color, capable of raising one's heart rate, a better choice would be a different shade, such as burgundy. Silk burgundy drapes in the bedroom give it the same romantic feeling, but also allow the occupant to relax in a calm setting.

To bring a fresh feeling into a living room painted in a neutral color, floral window curtains incorporating colors such as peach or coral can set a warm and comfortable mood. If a more formal mood is what is wanted, one might try using velvet drapes in deep hue and cream for balance.

These are just a few of the many ways to create the mood in a room simply by incorporating a red curtain design into the dcor plan. With the numerous shades available, but often overlooked, there are enough to provide coloring for any mood one wishes to express through the dcor of their room.

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