Tongue Depressor Craft Ideas
- One of the simpler tongue depressor crafts is a picture frame, which is a great gift idea for kids to make for special holidays. Start by laying two of the tongue depressors parallel to each other, about 6 inches away from each other. Next, glue two of the wooden sticks on top on either ends, creating a box-like formation. Color the outside of the frame with tempura paints and decorate with stickers. Trim the picture to the size of the opening and tape its corners to the frame.
- Make stick puppets from tongue depressors using markers, card stock, glue and yarn. Draw the face and costume of the puppet on the wooden stick and color in the design with markers. Use the card stock to draw any parts of the puppet that may not fit on the stick. For example, draw a fairy puppet’s wings, cut them out and glue them to the wooden stick. Next, trim three or four strands of yarn between 1 to 3 inches and attach them to the top of the stick to create hair.
- For a fun craft, use the tongue depressor to create a toy that simulates a helicopter. Start by placing the depressor in a bowl of boiling hot water for about 30 seconds, this will help make the wood pliable. Wrap the wet piece of wood in a paper towel and twist the wood about a quarter turn, for about a minute, forming the rudder. Next, trim a wooden skewer to 5 inches and glue it in the middle of the twisted tongue depressor. Once the glue is dry, approximately five to 10 minutes, decorate the wings of the helicopter with markers. Rub the helicopter's stick between the palms and let it go to watch it take flight.
- A tongue depressor harmonica is a musical craft you can make with two tongue depressors. Stack one depressor on top of the other and wrap them with two pieces of 3/4-by-3-inch card stock, about 1 inch away from either end. These card stock strips will create the “sliders” — the components inside the instrument, regulating its sound. Slide one of the depressors out and wrap a large rubber band (approximately 1/4-by-3 1/2 inches), lengthwise, over the remaining tongue depressor and sliders. Place the wood and rubber band contraption on top of the depressor that was removed and secure both edges, width-wise, with two smaller rubber bands (about 1/16 inch wide). These rubber bands should be about 3/4 inch away from either edge to complete the harmonica.