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Canvas Types To Enhance Oil Paintings

The canvas that the artist uses is just as important as the brushes and paint. Some artists choose to recycle already used canvas in their oil painting reproductions. These canvasses are viewed as being more authentic and making oil paintings for sale more desirable.

Whether this is the truth or not, art reproductions made on reused canvass do have a more genuine look to them. It is strongly suggested that if the artist chooses a previously used canvas for their oil painting reproductions that they should stretch the canvas before painting on it. The artist should also consider how much of the old paint is left on the canvas. Some of the old paint works well in offering a level of authentication in fine art reproductions, but too much old paint left on the canvas will ruin the integrity of the new painting. There is also the option of scraping off some of the older layers of paint.

If this chosen, one will need to take care so as not to harm the canvas itself. Another option when there is old paint left on the canvas is to paint over it with a primer color. Many individuals like to use a solid white, but complain that for some reason the solid white takes too long to dry. The more popular color to use to cover old paint is gray. It dries relatively quickly and adds that touch of nostalgia when painting art reproductions.

There are other options over reusing a canvas. One may choose to purchase a new canvas for their oil painting reproductions. There are three basic choices when looking for a new canvas. One may choose from cotton duck, linen, or a blend canvas. There is little discernable difference in the three canvas types other than price. Linen, especially if one intends to use Belgian linen for their fine art reproductions is the most expensive canvas on the market. Although, many experienced artists swear to its quality and texture, and the difference it makes in the finished product. A basic cotton canvas tends to be the most popular type of canvas to use when making oil paintings for sale. These are very affordable and tend to hold the oil paints well. The next choice one must make when considering a canvas for oil painting reproductions is whether or not they will acquire a primed or a non-primed canvas. If the canvas is primed, it is usually primed specifically for oil or acrylic paints. If the canvas is for oil painting reproductions, it is strongly suggested to get the primed canvas for oil paints. The painter must also choose whether a pre-stretched canvas is right for them, or if they will stretch the canvas themselves.

If the artist chooses to stretch the canvas themselves, they will need to acquire stretcher strips for the task. These strips will be fashioned into a stretcher frame. The canvas will then be placed into the frame and all the wrinkles will be pulled out of it. The final step will be to assure that the pressure is even across the whole canvas. After all this has been done, the artist is ready to start creating their oil painting reproductions.

More information on canvas types and sizes can be found at the famous art site. The site can also give valuable advice on reusing canvas and on where to find the best canvas for the painting being made. The best way to find a canvas the painter is comfortable with is to experiment with a variety of canvas textures and sizes until the artist finds one they are comfortable with.

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