Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Law of Attraction - Are You a Creator Or a Victim?

I see life as giving us two choices in how to live it.
We can be a creator of our life or we can be a victim of circumstance.
If you choose to believe you are a creator of your life than you and only you (i.
not your neighbor or spouse etc.
) are responsible for the joy and the pain in your life.
If you choose to be a victim, then you are at the mercy of your thoughts be they positive or negative.
So just how does this work? The Law of Attraction or LOA doesn't care which way you believe.
It is still in operation much like the law of gravity doesn't really care if you believe in it.
If you trip, you will fall.
Belief not withstanding.
Like gravity, the LOA is always working.
It is working on your thoughts creating the life you are thinking about.
So which do you want to be, a creator or a victim? If you chose creator then here are some ideas.
If you chose victim then I would suggest you rethink it and choose option 1.
Since everything in the Universe can be broken down to energy and our thoughts are energy, we need to pay attention to what we are thinking about.
Our thoughts create our reality.
Fortunately there is some lag time between our thoughts and manifestation.
The "experts" say we think on average sixty thousand thoughts per day.
This can either work for you or against you.
Here are several things that can help.
First of all try to be conscious of what you are thinking about.
Sometimes we just get on autopilot.
Paying attention to the "now" and being present can help you stay conscious of your thoughts.
Secondly you need to pay attention to your focus.
What thoughts we are focusing on all day long help create our reality.
If you are focusing on the loss or lack of something you are just creating more of it.
You need to be focusing on the positives in your life.
I know this isn't always easy to do when your mired knee deep in mud.
A third thing you can do is focus on gratitude.
When you are thinking negatively, try to think about something that you are thankful for.
I have a notebook I keep with me of all the things I'm grateful for.
It makes it real easy to change my negative thinking into positive when I think of how grateful I really am.
Being grateful also helps raise our vibrational energy up which in turns helps us create more positive things in our life.
I hope this helps.

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