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What is a Code of Ethics?


    • A code of ethics establishes ideals to which all of its adherents should strive. Such ideals are rarely achieved, but those who value them constantly seek to do better through them.


    • In addition to ideals, a code of ethics must contain practical guidelines applicable to real world situations. It also needs to be clear in its stipulations, allowing those who follow it to understand the tenets and rules involved.


    • The principles in a code of ethics should apply to a wide variety of situations. No code is comprehensible, but stable guidelines can steer followers in the right direction during those times when they don't know exactly what to do.


    • A code of ethics usually contains several passages outlining how to handle grievances or complaints, and what to do when someone violates one or more of its tenets. Punishments can range from verbal reprimands to expulsion from the organization.


    • A codes of ethics means reliable behavior from those who adopt it. In business practice, customers know what to expect from member organizations, while social and religious groups project a positive image to outsiders through a code of ethics.

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