How to Check Friendships on Facebook
- 1). Click on the "Profile" option after logging into Facebook, then click "Friends," which appears on the menu along the left side of the screen. Here, you can browse your list of friends to see who appears on it. If you want fast access to a certain friend, and your list is so long that scrolling down seems impractical, type the first few letters of the friend's name in the "Search by Name" bar at the top of the page.
- 2). Think of a friend by whom you haven't seen posts in a period of time. This may mean that the friend is either not using Facebook regularly, or it may mean she's removed herself from your friends list or deleted her Facebook account entirely. Type her name in the "Search by Name" bar to see if she's still on your list.
- 3). Type that same friend's name in the main Facebook search bar at the very top of your page. If she shows up as still having an active account, it means she has deleted the friendship between you and her. If her account doesn't show up at all, it's likely that she has deleted, or temporarily deactivated, her account.
- 4). Click on any friend's name if you want to see which mutual friendships you have with that friend. Check the right side of the friend's profile page to see a list of your mutual friends.
- 5). Press "See Friendship," located on the right side of every friend's profile page, to see a history of your interactions with that friend. Here, you can see when you became Facebook friends, browse photos that feature both of you and review wall posts between you.
- 6). Select the "Find Friends" option that appears on the top right corner of your Facebook home page to view a list of the Facebook users with whom Facebook recommends you to be friends. These people will typically have at least one friend in common with you, and while you may have no idea who many of them are, some will be familiar.