Family & Relationships Conflict

How Do I Get My Ex to Come Back to Me? Here is the Magic Formula Which Always Works!

Your ex has left in a huff after you had a tiff.
You tried to stop your ex but to no avail.
Even while your ex was getting in the car or walking away you ran after them up to the side walk to stop him or her.
You made every effort possible to stop them and explain that there's no need for them to get so worked up about the tiff and to just cool down.
But in spite of all your best efforts your ex walked out.
And now you're wondering how to get your ex back.
Well, give a few hours and then contact your ex to find out where they are.
Say you've called to find out if they're alright and parked in a safe and comfortable place.
You may end the call after knowing that they have a roof over their head to spend the night.
Try calling again after two days and this time enquire how they're doing.
Is everything fine with them and are they going to work or not.
And as in a passing question, enquire if your ex would like you to pick them up after work.
This may give you the opportunity to talk things over.
You could also broach the subject of your ex coming back to you.
But perhaps your ex has guessed why you've called and would rather not discuss the matter.
Just drop the issue in that case.
You may also adopt a different approach by saying that you called to check if you could drop them at their new place as you're passing by.
Perhaps your ex might accept the offer.
A couple of days later you might directly say you're coming to fetch your ex back because you're missing them and want them back.
Your ex may just like this assertive approach and may come back.
If your ex ignores your advances then it is time you tried a different approach.

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