Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

ADHD Medication Long Term Effects - Looking At The Risks And A Much Safer Option

ADHD medication long term effects have been the subject of a heated debate. The sad fact is that while the short term side effects are well known and documented, there is a dark cloud of mystery over the long term effects.

The first fact is that while Ritalin has been on the market for about half a century, there are no long term studies at all to discover what these may be. Well, maybe they exist but they have not been published with the exception of one or two, as far as I know. That is very suspicious, I must say.

The short term effects are bad enough. However, as regards ADHD medication long term effects, we have to be aware of what risks amphetamines may or may not have. As they are still classed as Schedule II drugs, they are strictly controlled and there is a very good reason for that. The risk of drug dependency is there and should not be brushed under the carpet.

Then there are all the issues about appetite and sleeping. In the short term, these are bad enough but in the long term, stunted growth may be an issue. There are defenders of the drugs who claim that this is always made up but nobody is really quite sure. If a child cannot sleep or eat properly, this must have a negative impact on his development. This is not rocket science!

The problems of cardiac issues have been raised by the FDA and that is one of the reasons why they have slapped the black box warning on all these meds, simply because there is a risk given that they are stimulants. They stimulate everything, the heart, the brain and the central nervous system. Obviously these are going to have an impact on the ADHD medication long term effects.

Well, cardiac problems, drug dependency, stunted growth and psychotic disorders are a pretty frightening list. It is no accident that Ritalin is known as 'kiddies coke' and we are not referring to a well known beverage here but to a recreational drug.

The other problems are related to other side effects which may well last longer than anybody anticipates and which may become issues in the long run. I am referring here to the warnings on the medicines about hallucinations, suicidal thoughts and psychotic behavior, not to mention hostility and aggression. Is this our idea of a happy carefree childhood.?

In my opinion, there are far too many unanswered questions about ADHD medication long term effects. That is why it is much better to opt for a type of medication which has no side effects at all nor any long term risks.

The best one of all is an ADHD homeopathic remedy. As it soothes and calms the child, it allows you to get on with raising a much happier child and giving him a much better chance than his drugged up peers. You will never have to worry again about ADHD medicine long term effects.

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