Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Signs And Treatment Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are one of the most commonly found ailments in people all over the world and what makes it really dangerous is the kind of pain a person feels in his body which is said to be no lesser than what a woman experiences during child-birth.
The good thing is that these stones can be completely removed from the body through natural means.
In this article we are going to discuss about the causes ofthese stones, the available treatment options and some of the things you can do to avoid kidney stones.
Symptoms If you have kidney stones,pain will be generally felt in your lower back side.
It usually lasts from few minutes to almost 20 minutes and as the condition worsens the pain spreads through to groin and stomach area.
People withthis condition have also reported repeated stomach ache, blood in urine, feeling of vomiting, chills, fever and an urge to pass urine frequently.
Preventing The Formation Of Kidney Stones It is a very noble saying that prevention is better than cure and in cases of kidney stone it surely hold true to the core.
A simple change in your daily lifestyle can surely help you in living a healthy life free from worries of having stones or any other ailments.
Let us discuss about some of the things a person can do to prevent formation of these stones.
Avoid Dehydration The number one cause of stone formation is dehydration hence it is very important to drink lots of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.
Be Sure Its Clear When you pass out urine it should be crystal clear if it is yellowish it means something is wrong in the system or you are not drinking enough water.
Avoid caffeine as it triggers stone formation.
Other Changes Avoid eating too much spicy food, reduce intake of sugar and make sure that you do not suffer from any type of calcium deficiency.
Natural Treatment If you have this condition there is no need to worry because their is help available in the alternative form of medicine to dissolve these stones.
There are certain herbs which help the kidneys dissolve these stones and pass through urine hence providing relief from the unbearable pain this condition causes.
These natural treatments have been used successfully traditionally and even today people are reaping the rich benefits of these natural form of treatments for removal of kidney stones.

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