Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Useful Ayurvedic Arthritis Pain Remedies

As per Ayurveda the reason for most of the pain in our body is due to aggravation of vata dosha. The major reason for Arthritis in our body is due to aggravation of vata and accumulation of ama. Ama is caused due to improper digestion and is a kind of toxic by product. Once ama is developed in the body it keeps on circulating and gets collected at a place, which is weak in our body. In case this ama gets deposited in our joints and also at the same time the vata gets aggravated then amavata disease takes place, Arthritis is the other name of this amavata.

Arthritis pain remedies

As we understand from the above explanation in Ayurvedic term the main causes of arthritis is ama and vata. Therefore, while looking for remedies for arthritis pain we have to see how ama can be digested by the body and as a result vata gets reduced. In order to stop producing more amount of ama, it is necessary to improve the digestion. At the same time efforts need to be made in order to give the patient relief from inflammation and pain. As per Ayurveda one has to take this line of action to treat the affected person.

As remedies for arthritis pain it will be highly beneficial if you keep fast as this will help in digesting ama.  Depending upon the body strength of the affected person and the season and location, the physician has to decide whether the patient should take complete fast or partial fast. Also, if the patient takes juice of lemon with 250 ml of warm water mixed with one teaspoonful of honey, it will be very useful.

Also, in order to reduce the pain as well as vata it will be useful to massage your body with the help of mustard oil or sesame.  As arthritis pain remedies, you can massage the affected joint for a long duration.

It will be better to do light exercise. However, you must do under the advice of expert doctors. In case you do brisk walking then you must set your limit, so that it does not cause any pain.

It will be better to consume orange juice liberally as this contains plenty of Vitamin C, which also helps in reducing the skeletal pain. This will also support if you are taking any medicine. 

Other remedies for arthritis pain is to take Guggul, which is very useful herb for this problem. You must take this in 3 gm dose with warm water after meals during afternoon and evening.


You must eat food, which is easily digestible and does not produce any gas. Take plenty of vegetable and soups. You can also take juice of beat root, carrot and cucumber mixed together, which is very useful. You can also eat green salad mixed with lemon juice, which is one of the good arthritis pain remedies. Among the fruit you may take oranges, apples, grapes and papaya. You must eat cooked vegetables like zucchini, squash and pumpkin. Use the spices like coriander, cumin, asafetida, ginger, fennel, garlic and turmeric.

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