Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Treating Acne - The Great Big Acne Lie

Let's not kid ourselves here, we could be treating acne for years without success. Why is that? Is it because the powers that be would have us believe there is no known cure for acne? And is that because a cure for acne would result in billions of dollars of lost revenue for pharmaceutical companies every single year?

Now I may be cynical, but we are in the 21st century, technology has advanced to the point of exceeding our imagination, (we're not quite at "Star Trek" standards yet) and medical science has reached an incredible level that almost beggars belief.

Why then, in this day and age, have we not found a cure for the common cold or acne. Is it because neither are life threatening, and so it's much more lucrative for doctors, dermatologists and pharmaceutical companies to allow us to spend billions of dollars continuously treating the symptoms, and not the cause.

Conventional methods of treating acne have been around for years. All the creams and lotions that we apply to our skin provide nothing more than temporary relief until it's time to spend more money on the next tube or bottle. This cycle continues in ritualistic fashion until our acne disappears naturally, which could be years.

Treating acne naturally now can speed up the process, and it's a safe and cheaper alternative. It does require getting to know and understand what causes our acne, (nothing to do with our skin) and making some simple changes to our diet to treat the cause at it's source and prevent future outbreaks.

Many guides have been written, explaining clearly what we need to know and what we need to do to get rid of acne for good. The cost of most of these guides is much cheaper than what we're paying now for a one month supply of topical acne treatments.

Natural acne treatments have no side effects, they're safe to use, are cheaper than conventional treatments, so choosing this option really is a no-brainer.

You may be wondering why everyone isn't using natural treatments for acne. The answer is, we really don't know any better. When we have an acne outbreak, our first port of call is always to our doctor or dermatologist who will convince us there is no cure, and recommend a cream or face wash to be applied daily.

And so it goes on, until we finally start to listen to the right people. Who are the right people? The right people are the ones who have been there before us, have not fallen victim to the great big acne lie, have discovered their own ways of treating acne, and are now acne free.

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