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Foreplay Tips: Why Foreplay Is Necessary

Foreplay is NOT optional.
I mean, have you heard, men are from Mars and women are from Venus? Well, it's never been truer than in case of foreplay.
Oh yeah, while a lot of guys see foreplay as an encumbrance, a necessary evil even that they have to get out of the way, for a woman, it is the ONLY way to reach a roaring, quivering climax.
So, if you want to do something special tonight, you MUST brush up on your foreplay skills.
Hell, with everything that we women do for you guys, you owe us a prolonged foreplay session every damned night.
The link between foreplay and orgasm that men fail to explore! Did you know that most women can orgasm when they take a solo trip down south? However, only a dismal 30% can say that they have had the same rate of success with a man.
So, what is the secret here? When a woman masturbates, she is reliving her favorite sexual fantasy; it's so much more than just about fingering herself or even using a toy.
She is actually having sex in her head as she stimulates her clit and imagines a man doing what the vibe or the dildo accomplishes so seamlessly.
A woman's most active sex organ is not between her legs but the one between her ears and this is where foreplay comes into the picture.
With it, you excite her body as well as her mind.
The myth about oral sex and foreplay Guys, notice the "sex" part in oral sex.
This means that cunnilingus is not foreplay; au contraire, it is part of the actual act.
In contrast, foreplay serves the all important purpose of getting a woman in the right physical and mental state before sex.
So, how much time should you be spending on foreplay? There is a very simple equation to calculate the time of this indulgence for your lady love.
Simply multiply the duration of intercourse or even oral sex that leads to orgasm by 3, and this should give you the amount of time you need to spend to get your woman in just the right mood.
Become the king of foreplay Talk and compliments will definitely get you places: Start by giving her compliments, but be careful not to make a habit of doing so only as a prelude to sex.
After all, you don't want her to believe that the compliments only come out when you want some action.
A genuine compliment or a thoughtful act of love can indeed make a woman go all mushy.
Be nice to her: You want to revel in her sensuality and what better way than to buy her some sexy lingerie that tells her how much you love to see her hot and sexy body all dressed up just for you.
DO NOT forget to get the size right unless you want things to end disastrously.
The type of lingerie should depend on how much skin show your girl is comfortable with.
A sensual massage should get her all worked up: This form of pampering can just be a brief backrub or can turn into a round of full body stimulation involving scented lotions and aroma therapy oils.
Make sure that you don't touch her breasts or her vagina during the massage.
By the time you are done, the anticipation will be killing her.
After all, nothing gives a girl more pleasure than the touch of your warm, masculine hands.
A naughty game: Playing a naughty game together is another option.
Flex your creative muscle here; for instance, try a round of Monopoly with stripping included in the game or you could go with a classic like strip poker.
The power of dirty talk: Contrary to popular belief, most girls are suckers for dirty talk.
Tell us exactly how you want to touch us and where and how you intend to take us.
In fact, this part of foreplay can very well start outside.
Whisper your intentions into her ears; then kiss her thoroughly including a lot of tongue play.
Alternatively, a round of dirty dancing or even a simple pat on the rear should do the trick.
Boys the most important tip about foreplay is you need to be confident in your actions.
Whatever you decide on, do it with conviction and your woman is bound to appreciate the Alpha streak in you.

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