Family & Relationships Conflict

Can I Get My Ex Back?: Best Ways to Win Back Your Ex Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Can I get my ex back? This is probably the question on your mind if you just went through a rough breakup that you never intended to have happen.
Your boyfriend or girlfriend might have pulled the plug on the relationship without your consent, leaving you heartbroken.
Regardless of the circumstances that accompanied the breakup, however, you're still left in the same boat: You want to get back together with your ex, but you have no idea how to initiate the idea.
In fact, you might not even know if it's an idea worth mentioning.
After all, they broke up with you to begin with; why would they consider taking you back? The fact is, many people get back together with their ex partners.
It's just a matter of whether their partners were compatible enough with them in the first place to desire to get back together with them for a second attempt at the relationship.
That's where the "can I get my ex back" strategy gets a little complicated.
First of all, how do you approach the topic? How long should you wait in between breaking up and asking them to get back with you? These are potentially sensitive topics that require strategizing in order to succeed.
After all, if you approach it too soon, you might blow your chances of getting back together.
But wait too long, and your ex might find someone else to fill the void.
Neither outlook is a good option.
For some, the "can I get my ex back" question is a no-brainer.
The party who broke off the relationship realizes they were wrong and decides to start hanging out with you again.
If you're still on friendly terms, then asking to rekindle the relationship is certainly within your bounds.
But for others, answering the question of "can I get my ex back" becomes more complicated.
Here are a few things that tend to complicate restarting the relationship: 1.
Your ex got a new boyfriend or girlfriend.
Your ex won't return your calls or texts.
Your ex has made it clear he or she doesn't love you or like you anymore.
Your ex won't even talk to your friends.
Your ex changed his or her lifestyle or career and moved away.
Don't let things like this discourage you, but realize that it will make getting your ex back much harder for you.
In some cases, like if your ex has a new partner, it might not be worth it to break them up.
However, if it's a matter of your ex not returning your calls, try sending them a gift or a handwritten letter.
This shows that you thought through the gesture enough to either spend money on them or take the time to write down your thoughts and send them to your ex in a letter.

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