How to Plant Seeds With Grow Lights
- 1). Spread the seedling soil out in the tray to about 3/4 inch below the rim. Press the soil down firmly, but do not pack it too tightly, so aeration can still occur. If the soil is dry, moisten it by misting it with the water bottle.
- 2). Level off the soil and create several shallow parallel furrows with your finger or plant label, about 1 to 2 inches apart.
- 3). Place the seeds in the furrows. Read the seed packet's instructions for how far apart they should be planted for the specific species being grown.
- 4). Cover up the seeds gently and spray the top layer with water. Seeds in general should be covered to a depth of about one to two times the diameter of the seed. Very fine seeds such as petunias do not need to be covered at all. If the tray has a clear plastic dome, place it on top to retain moisture.
- 5). Label individual rows of seeds or trays with waterproof plant labels. Some seedlings are not distinguishable from others until the plants have matured.
- 6). Place the tray about 3 to 4 inches under the grow light until the first signs of germination occur and sprouts break through the soil surface.
- 7). At the first sign of germination, remove the plastic dome and keep the seedlings watered, but not soaking wet. As the seedlings mature, higher grow light intensities can be used, or they can be transplanted outdoors.