How to Use Lavender Dried Flowers
- 1). Cut a piece of sturdy wire about eight inches long, and bend it into the shape of a "U."
- 2). Stick the ends of the wire into the top of the back of the wreath ring, to make a hanger. The ends of the wire should poke out of the front.
- 3). Bend the ends of the wire back into the wreath ring using your needle-nose pliers, to hold the hanger in place.
- 4). Tie a piece of ribbon to the hanger, so you will be able to find it easily once the flowers are on the wreath.
- 5). Grab a bundle of stems that you can hold easily by making a circle between your thumb and forefinger. Adjust the stems so that the tops of the flower ends are even.
- 6). Cut the stems off with scissors about two inches below the flowers.
- 7). Place the flower bundle against the ring at about the 3 o'clock position.
- 8). Wrap the fine wire twice around the ring and plant stems, below the flowers, to secure the bundle to the ring. Twist the wire together on the back of the wreath.
- 9). Repeat Steps 5 and 6 until you have enough bundles to cover the wreath. Place the next bundle below the first one, so that the flowers on the second bundle cover the stems of the first bundle. Secure with wire.
- 10
Work your way around the wreath counter-clockwise in this fashion, until the whole wreath is covered. - 11
Hang the wreath to see how it looks, and do any trimming or adjustments the wreath needs. - 12
Lay the wreath flat to dry, or hang it up and let it dry.