Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

How can an Advertising Agent help you to Promote your Product

To be successful it is vital to have a great marketing strategy. Every industry is highly competitive in today's time and business owners realize the role marketing plays in the success of their product. Product promotion is an important phase in marketing any new product. Many companies prefer to hire the services of advertising sales agents for product promotion.

Advertising sales agents are often referred to as account executives since they sell advertising for newspapers and periodicals, television and radio, websites, directories, direct mail and outdoor advertisers. They provide creative, and cost-effective marketing communications to clients that help retain and develop customers.

Normally, advertising sales agents thoroughly research a potential client in advance. Sales agents gather background information on the products, current customers, prospective customers, and the geographic area of the target market before meeting their prospective client. For instance, the agent would learn about the previous campaigns that the customer used in the past, and the impact those campaigns generated. In the first meeting sales agents specify the different types of advertising that would effectively help promote the products or services of a client.

They prepare an advertising proposal once their services are hired which includes determining the advertising medium that will be used. They are also responsible for developing sales tools, promotional plans, and media kits useful for sales. Advertising sales agents mostly sell integrated packages, which basically includes print, online ad space and mobile service, and time slots with a broadcast subsidiary.

In addition to gathering information, advertising sales agents analyze sales statistics and audience demographics, prepare reports, schedule and keep appointments and work hours. They stay well informed about new and existing products. They also monitor the sales, prices, and products of their competitors. In many firms the advertising sales agent handles the drafting of contracts specifying costs and the advertising work to be performed. As technology rapidly advances advertising sales agents look for new and efficient ways to reach customers.

SearchMe4 online business directory provides a list of UK advertising agents. Portfolio, Thru the Line, Ape TV are some of the agents listed on the business directory.

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