How to Write an Online Report to Sell
- 1). Conduct keyword research. Use tools such as Google keywords or Google trends to identify the top searches that online visitors are making.
- 2). Identify a popular topic to which you can add value and provide advice or useful information. Choose a topic for your report that not only fills a need, but that you can provide help, tips and information the reader can use to solve a problem.
- 3). Create an outline. Before you start writing the report, sketch out an outline of the primary topics that the report should cover. Include an intro, the main body of the report with subtopics and a conclusion.
- 4). Write a rough draft. Using your outline, go back through the outline and fill in the details under each topic. Write this out in paragraph form, but include bold, italics and bullet points to call attention to important areas and to break up the paragraphs of copy.
- 5). Review and revise. Read through your rough draft. Check for spelling and grammar errors, as well as checking to make sure you included all of the relevant details and information that covers the topic.
- 6). Add photos, pictures, graphs and illustrations. Break up the copy in the report and add value to the information the report contains by adding graphics such as pictures, graphs and other illustrations.
- 7). Finalize the report. Bring the report to its final version and one that is ready to sell.
- 8). Turn the report into a portable document format (PDF) File. In order for buyers of the report to download the report, turn the word processing document into a PDF File. You may have software that does this on your computer or you can use a free online version such as PDF995.