How to Repair Polystyrene Beads
- 1). Clear the bead of any loose polystyrene, then sand the surface lightly to remove other loose particles. This will also increase adhesion.
- 2). Cut a replacement piece of polystyrene to match the missing area of the bead. Shape the replacement piece with a craft knife, and smooth the edges with sandpaper. If the missing piece is part of the bead through which the thread travels, make sure to hollow out an area so that the string can still go all the way through.
- 3). Sand the bottom of the replacement piece where it will attach to the main bead.
- 4). Poke two small pieces of toothpick into the polystyrene where you will attach the patch. Cut the toothpicks so that they will be hidden once you add the patch piece. The toothpicks will help the pieces stick together.
- 5). Spray the bottom of the patch and the affected part of the bead with spray adhesive. Make sure to use a glue that is designed for use with polystyrene, as some glues will eat away the surface of polystyrene and ruin the beads.
- 6). Slide the new piece of polystyrene onto the toothpicks and against the bead. Press the two polystyrene pieces together for about a minute until the glue becomes tacky. Allow the pieces to dry for an additional 3 to 6 hours before painting the beads.
- 7). Sand any rough areas between the patch and the original bead surface to smooth the bead. Paint or coat the bead as desired to hide the seams around the replacement polystyrene material.