Marriage License Examples
- There are many different marriage licenses with different information.getting married image by Bettina Baumgartner from
Marriage licenses are issued to people once they provide the proper identification to the county clerk that they are a certain age or have the required documentation to get married if they are minors. This must be done prior to a wedding. There are a number of different marriage licenses with different types of information on them which you can have printed and then bring to the clerk for endorsement - At the Free Box Concepts website, the classic marriage certificate has all the necessary information on it to signify what happened on that date. Both parties' names are grouped together, and the certificate states that they were joined in marriage on a particular date, before witnesses. It is then signed by the civil officer or house of worship representative who married the couple. Both the bride and groom also sign the bottom of the marriage certificate.
- Free Pintable Certificates' website allows people to print marriage licenses with simple lines for information about the marriage to be handwritten or type written in before the event takes place. The couple's names are go on the line at the top and the date is written after "were wed on." The line after the word "by" should have the name of the clerk or representative from the house of worship who married the couple, and the address of where the license was signed should be written in after the word "at." These can be easily printed up on just about any printer.
- The Think Wedding website has a wide variety of custom marriage certificates where your own designs can be added to a certificate so that it looks unique, attractive, and memorable. These designs can be ordered for a reasonable amount of money online and come with free delivery. Even nicer custom marriage certificates can be made by custom artists and calligraphers if you have the budget for it.