Winter Crafts Ideas for Kids
- Colorful construction, printed and textured paper trimmed with glitter and felt cutouts re-creates the outdoor snowman indoors. Children can enjoy an indoor snowy afternoon designing imaginative concepts using everyday household materials. For instance, gluing cotton for the snowman body adds surface interest, and felt or fabric scraps for the hat and scarf add texture. Use staplers, paper clips, glue sticks and tape to attach different parts of the craft. Recycle old buttons for the eyes as well as leftover rhinestones from previous crafts for the mouth.
- Economical holiday-inspired decorations for rooms, windows or holiday trees and wreaths are created using snowflake-influenced designs. Children can fold paper squares and randomly cut out sections along the fold lines to re-create snowflakes falling from the sky. Hang the snowflakes by inserting colorful ribbon though one of the cutout areas. Another option is to use glitter spray or glue for extra shine. Use the craft as a learning tool and discuss snow-related facts.
- Re-purposing leftover decorations, garland and ribbon are transformed into recycled winter-inspired wreaths. Kids can also recycle Styrofoam from old gifts or unwanted corrugated cardboard and cut out a wreath shape, using a craft knife, as the wreath base. Parents can also print and trace a wreath template for smooth lines, and cut out the wreath for young kids. Ribbon as well as garland is wrapped around the wreath shape until it is fully covered. Leftover decorations as well as old gift bows are adhered with a glue gun to complete the recycled wreath.
- Recycle an old plaid shirt or T-shirt and transform it into Christmas and Hanukkah ornaments. Use unwanted packaging foam and cut out a round ball or disc for a Christmas tree decoration or shape it into a dreidel with a craft knife. Kids can cut out several same-length strips of the plaid shirt or T-shirt to cover all areas of the ornament, incorporating sections of the T-shirt graphic or plaid as part of the design. Kids can place the strips by spreading fabric glue on the back of the fabric and positioning the strips in a specific or random placement. Insert leftover ribbons through a hatpin pushed into the top of the ornament and hang.