Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Is it Easier to Change the Cause of Your Stress Or Your Interpretation?

Imagine the power you have in the simple act of how you interpret your reality.
The person with an externally directed focus only looks outside for the solutions to his problems.
The person with an internally focused awareness tends to look within for the solutions of his problems.
Both inner and outer focus have qualities for solutions, but like a conscious breath, the inner and outer harmoniously work together.
We need experts' advice in the area they specialize and we need our inner resources to consciously respond to their advice.
Think of our in-breath as the way we take in input and connect to inner wisdom.
Then, in a split second our body processes that input, which activates our powerful inner resources to respond.
   It is not a matter of choice; our mind and body are previously programmed to respond in a specific way.
  Here is our biggest question: Can the conscious and subconscious mind and body be reconditioned? The answer is complex with many variables, but the main point is, if you really want it to.
Most people don't even consider that question unless their life or what they value is threatened.
People with chronic illness, facing the threat of death desperately strive to change, but some are successful and some are not.
The way we interpret our situation plays a significant part in how we deal with our struggles; that is the easiest thing to change.
You can change a negative interpretation simply by changing the habit of what part of you interprets.
You can consciously condition habits that are connected you to your inner wisdom instead of the you that was locked into negative past conditioning.
That doesn't change the problems you face; it just changes how you perceive and interpret your situation.
Of course you could be a victim to your past conditioning and simply respond as usual...
but why? By consciously conditioning a new self image, the part of you that interprets thoughts and perception...
you see the world differently.
Now this new self image is not purely fantasy, it can be made from your past so that you can identify with it.
 Even though the self image you want to change was strongly conditioned and may resist change, you can create new habits that make it feel like a special part of you.
When that special part of you deals with your problem, you respond more consciously with a stronger quality of life.
If this can be done with a significant life skill like your self image, why can't it be done with skills like self trust, confidence and how we utilize our inner resources? We don't have to rely on how we have been conditioned; we have the power to recondition our mind.
Empowered people are free to recondition their mind.
Victims feel their past conditioning is their reality.

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