Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Black Maple Leaf Identification

    Black Maple Tree

    • The black maple tree (acer nigrum) is also known as the black sugar maple, hard maple or rock maple. Black maples are a deciduous tree that tend to grow in moist soils in forest settings. They can grow to 100 feet tall.

    Leaf Characteristics

    • The black maple has broad, flat simple leaves, three to six inches long, with three to five lobes and U-shaped notches. The underside of the leaves feature pubescence and the leaves may appear wilted at times.

    Fruit Characteristics

    • The fruit of the black maple is approximately one inch long with paired wings at a 60- to 90-degree angle from each other. Fruits and seeds appear as clusters in the spring.


    • Black maple trees provide shade and can be used for making syrup.


    • Black maples should be planted far from structures to allow room for the root system to expand and grow.

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