Family & Relationships Conflict

Relationships And Dating 101: Breakups - The Only Way To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

The reason most guys fail at getting their ex-girlfriend back if they allow that emotion of terror or panick, loneliness, and desperation get the best of them.
They allow these emotions to control their actions with their ex-girlfriend.
And these emotions cause them to do things like call their ex-girlfriend 20 times a day or badger the ex-girlfriend's friends or a number of other behaviors that guarantee you won't get your ex-girlfriend back.
By the way, even though this article was written for guys who want to get their ex-girlfriend back the technique written here will work for girls to get their ex-boyfriends back as well.
Here is the ancient Chinese secret for getting your ex-girlfriend back - do nothing! If your girlfriend broke up with you it is for the very same reason any human being does anything.
Everything we do is for one of two reasons or a combination of both:
  1. to gain physical or emotional pleasure
  2. to avoid or end physical or emotional pain
So if your girlfriend broke up with you being with you causes her more physical or emotional pain than it does emotional or physical pleasure.
Now there is absolutely nothing you can do to change the past.
You first need to deeply implant this fact into your mind and accept that.
The only way to get your ex-girlfriend to want you back and is to change how she feels now and in the future.
In short you need your ex-girlfriend to associate loneliness and pain to not being with you.
Does this make sense so far? Good.
Since at this point your ex-girlfriend associates more pain to you than pleasure any contact with her is only going to serve to remind her of that.
There is only one way you can get her to associate pain to not being what you.
 By having absolutely zero contact with your ex-girlfriend you create an emptiness in her life that is the best way to assure she starts to feel loneliness.
The problem is for most guys this is just an impossible task.
Which is why most guys don't get their ex-girlfriend back.
Now if this method of maintaining absolute zero contact with your ex girlfriend does not work then nothing will.
It means that she has associated so much pain and discomfort to you that there is no chance no matter what you do.
However I can assure you this rarely is the case.
If you have the guts to have absolutely zero contact with your ex girlfriend for the next 30 days there is a 90% chance or greater you will end up back with her.
  The exception to this rule of course is if she contacts you.
That is the objective here, to get her to miss you so much that she is the one that initiates contact.
Now if she does contact you if it becomes apparent that she is just interested in idle chitchat or if she is interested in conversing about anything other than getting back together with you abruptly terminate the conversation pretending you have to go because you have something very important you have to do.

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