How to Get Around the National Guard Depot Armory in Fallout 3
- 1). Travel along the northern edge of downtown D.C. If you're approaching from Megaton, you should pass by a statue holding a hoop, a Super Mutant camp and a bandit camp at Friendship Heights.
- 2). Continue along the northern edge until you encounter a building decorated with four American flags; note that American flags in the Fallout universe have only 14 stars. Large letters on the building identify it as the “National Guard Depot” while another sign encourages you to “Enlist today!”
- 3). Enter the fenced-in area and cross the courtyard to enter the Depot.
- 1). Head up the stairs to your left as you enter the Depot and watch out for the gas leak. Small arms discharges, energy weapon beams or a flame thrower's pilot light can all ignite it.
- 2). Turn right once you get up the stairs and jump across the gap to the surviving piece of floor that is jutting out.
- 3). Walk along the narrow ledge to the left and enter the door to your right.
- 4). Fight your way through the offices and drop down one floor when you encounter the room where the floor has collapsed.
- 5). Open the door labeled “Depot Training Wing.”
- 6). Move through the collapsed wall in front of you and through the door to your left then move left through the hallway and go through the door at the end.
- 7). Go through the next room and open the double doors to enter the shooting range.
- 8). Walk to the end of the armory and go through the doorway on the right.
- 9). Open the door labeled “Depot Offices.”
- 10
Walk through the door in front of you and ascend the walkway above the cubicle pits in the next area, then go through the doorway to the left. - 11
Follow the path and ascend to the next floor by walking up the partially collapsed floor. - 12
Open the door labeled “National Guard Depot.” - 13
Activate the electrical switch at the far end of the room and look down and to your right. You should see two rotating yellow lights on a door two floors down. - 14
Head for the door with the yellow lights. Expect it to be guarded by a sentry bot; two or three pulse grenades should destroy it. - 15
Activate the electrical switch inside the room with the yellow lights and go down the staircase that opens up. - 16
Open the door labeled “National Guard Armory” and activate the electrical switch in the next area to open the utility door. - 17
Walk forward into the armory and stock up on all the weapons, ammunition, armor and supplies you can carry. Also, don't forget to grab the small guns bobblehead on the shelf in the center of the room.